Duck Yoda came to me from the Metzer farm with Peggy as a little duckling. He was so cute ! This was my first experience with a runner duck and he was so cute. He was a very friendly, social duck. Yoda lived a short, but very fulfilled life. He traveled and moved a lot with us.

He was a very calm but social duck. He lived in the house with us for a long time. I always tried to do my best to make my animals happy. I always wanted what was best for my animals, before my own interest and needs. To me, making my pets happy was more important than anything else. Pets are innocent animals that love you and don’t expect much besides your attention and food. They only require the basic needs, to make them happy. 

I loved when he slept on me. He looked so peaceful, happy and safe. He loved taking baths and preening himself. He was a super clean duck. He loved his mealworms. He had a really funny personality as well. Not many people think of ducks as funny, but they actually are. They can be super sweet and love being petted, just like a dog.

Unfortunately my baby boy passed away at the age of 5. He had cancer, which is really rare in ducks. He had a mass in his belly that was making it very difficult for him to walk. After a month or so of watching him slow down a lot, we made the difficult decision of sending Yoda to join Shiva and Khuno. He grew up with both dogs. He had started to lose a lot of weight and was basically starving to death. He had lost a lot of weight and the mass was really slowing him down. Ducks are very healthy in general. It could be that it was bad genetics. We will never know.

I hope that during his short life on earth, he had a very happy life. Not all ducks unfortunately have an easy life. A lot are abused, mistreated, dumped. Ducks deserve a lot more than that. They already have a hard time coming out of their eggs. It can take them up to 48 hours to pip out. Then they are super exhausted and sleep for the next day or two. Take good care of your pet duck. They deserve no less.

I have left you now, but please don’t be sad

You gave me all the love you had

You did so much for me in my time here

and I will always hold those precious times near

I know someday you will find love again

and into your life will come a new friend

Your heart will heal, though you will never forget

memories like the first time we met

Memories are wonderful, so keep them close

and remember all the good times the most

Up in heaven is where i will be

someday in the future each other, we will see

I am at peace now, please don’t be sad

you gave me all the love you had.